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Fairy Gardens

My first fairy garden I built in an old boot tray.
I drilled holes in the bottom for drainage, filled it with soil, mounded it up so I had a hill upon which to put my dollar store bird house.
I collected mosses and covered the soil, scattered beach stones around it and dug up a few small plants to add. A plastic dish buried acted as my pond and handy little mister to keep the soil and mosses wet.
The hunt for just the right fairy took me awhile. Remember my two children had left home to individuate so I wanted a fairy with a touch of attitude.
My Fairy Garden

Grampa's Truck

Grampa's old dump truck

Grampa's Truck
Reader's Fairy Garden

2020 Condon
My Nieces' 2020 Fairy Garden

2020 Condon
Erin & Daniels' 2020 Fairy Garden

Erin having fun in her new yard

2020 Condon
My Nieces' 2020 Fairy Garden
Send me your fairy garden photo's and I'll upload them here.
You can upload them to the Facebook page.
Natures Fairy Houses
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