Matilda Series

Matilda came to me while I put together my very first fairy garden. She kept asking me questions, like can a fairy live in this garden in the winter? Are there trees or root dwellings around for us to hide in. What will we wear, what will we eat, will you make your craft supplies available to us? By the time that winter hit 3 of the stories were pretty much mapped out in my head. I truly felt like they were a gift from the divine to help me to shift my focus from my anxiety and fear about losing my kids to adulthood.
By the time I stopped typing 3 years had passed, 3 books were complete and my 15 year old was 18. So although my empty nesting issues were coming to an end our world had started to change, all the forward movement and progress that I felt in our world towards acceptance came to a screeching halt.
Since this was all about writing my feelings the stories ramped up. The Fairies were ready to step up and engage humanity. My old therapist self kicked in and before I knew it I was writing about learning lessons. About diversity and acceptance. About taking responsibility for ones life, actions and behaviors. About changing beliefs and then changing lives.
Before I knew it there were 8 books, addressing all manner of issues that I saw our political system infringing on. I wanted my lessons to be clear but also subtle.
My greatest wish is that someday soon acceptance of diversity will be the norm so I treated acceptance with a grain of salt, as if it is just expected behavior. And I focused on teaching the importance of living intentionally. I want this next generation to realize that they do not need to accept the status quo, that they have the power to take their lives in their hands and make it whatever they chose it to be.
So I hope you enjoy Matilda and all her friends. I hope you learn that you too can create the life that you want. I hope you learn that life is easier, more fun and more peaceful when you learn to accept others and everything that comes your way.